Join The Ghost Hunters Research Organization

If you have an interest in paranormal events and would like to join our research organization and contribute to the study of ghosts, haunted houses, poltergiests and ufo related activies than this is the organization for you.

The Ghost Hunters Research Organization sends out a electronic newsletter filled with articles related to the paranormal. We also accept articles for this newsletter from our membership. The newsletter covers such topics as ghosts, haunted houses, poltergeist activities, ufo related events, strange creatures like the chumpacabra , multidimensional physics and news of government black bag projects.

The membership fee is $5.00 a year to offset some of the cost of preparing the newsletter and to receive updates of new ghostly photograhs. Send your US$5.00 and include your Email address. Make checks payable to StarWest Images.

Send to:

The Ghost Hunters Research Organzation
P.O. Box 976
St. Helens, OR 97051


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